African Feminisms in the Global Arena
This anthology argues that indigenous feminist theorists should expand their local vision into the global context. First, one good result is that feminist will get a better grip on the subjects of their protest, which are not always clear from one theorist or activist to the other. When experiences of local women are expanded onto the world level, one begins to see how the female condition is similar or different, barring local color. Second, one can see why feminism should go beyond women’s issues only to fight for equal opportunities for all peoples all over the world.
A fight for intersectionality in feminist scholarship, for example, demonstrates that a fight against ethnicity and racism is also a fight against kyriarchy. This is because issues of power, repression and subordination are not only for dignity, respect and regard for women, but for all citizens irrespective of gender. Third, gender justice should be predicated on racial justice, because outside one’s community one can be beset with ethnicity and racial discrimination or ethnophobia and homophobia respectively. More and more women should go into politics, where policies are made to control their lives. Only self-assertion and intellectual ability should be upheld, not physical strength and dominance, for qualification for political appointments.
The contributors expound African feminist thoughts at the confluence of local marginalized entities and international gender power, human rights and social justice. Diagnosing intra-female antagonism occasioned by the struggle for limited power that counteracts female-bonding, sisterhood still reigns as the contributors focus on the same goal of ending female subordination and other forms of discrimination.
— Professor Chinyere G. Okafor, Ph.D. Chair, Department of Women’s Studies & Religion. Director, Centre for Women’s Studies, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67260, USA.
This Anthology powerfully demonstrates, yet again, that Feminism is not a one-size-fits all theoretical concept; Feminism is about people, and people are dynamic; the realities of their lives interact and intersect. Definitely, a must read for feminists.
—Professor Omofolabo Ajayi-Soyinka,
Professor Emerita, University of Kansas.
These essays leave no doubt but a resounding “yes” response to Zilla Eisenstein’s question: “Is there a polyversal core to feminisms across the globe?” (2004). Collectively, they break through the loud, drowning claims of an exclusive monoversal, Western “feminism” – arguments these scholars have been making for decades.
— Pamela J. Olúbùnmi Smith, Professor of English, Humanities & Women Studies, University of Nebraska at Omaha.
About The Author
Dr. Ada Uzoamaka AZODO, Ph.D. (Lagos), M. A. (Lagos), B. A. (Ife), DES (Diplôme d’études supérieures de français, Université de Dakar) is current President of the Igbo Studies Association (USA). Affiliated with Indiana University Northwest and Purdue University Northwest, Azodo teaches and researches in French and Francophone Studies, African/African- American/African Diaspora Studies, and Women’s and Gender Studies.
Publication Date: January 2019
ISBN: 978-1-938598-32-6
Price: $30.00