Remembering Biafra: Narrative, History, and Memory of the Nigeria-Biafra War
Remembering Biafra: Narrative, History, and Memory of the Nigeria-Biafra War brings the reader face to face with the literary and historical narratives of the Nigeria-Biafra Civil War from the perspectives of scholars and individuals who experienced the war. Authors who are diverse in their knowledge and experience of the complexities of the war provide fascinating insights into the human experiences of the war. Those looking for new perspectives on the Biafra war, especially a narrative of its human cost, will find this book illuminating and fascinating. The interdisciplinary nature of the book makes it a unique and important resource for scholars in literature, history, and all interested in the interplay between war, trauma, and memory.
Chima J. Korieh and Ifeanyi Ezeonu
Publication Date: April, 2010
ISBN: 978-978-49498-3-5
Price: $20.00